Paving Geocomposites
Dual-performance solutions for reflective cracking mitigation and pavement longevity
Paving geocomposites combine a fiberglass grid (biaxial or multiaxial) with a non-woven geotextile to create a highly effective solution for pavement applications. The geotextile layer retains a liquid asphalt tack coat for waterproofing, while the fiberglass grid mitigates reflective cracking by interacting with horizontal stresses in the pavement. Offering the combined benefits of both paving grids and paving fabrics, paving geocomposites enhance the durability and lifespan of pavement systems by reducing cracking and providing superior waterproofing.

HaTelit® Series
High-performance asphalt reinforcement for long-lasting pavement rehabilitation.
The HaTelit Series is a durable and cost-effective asphalt reinforcement solution designed to extend the service life of pavements, even under high loads. Its flexible, biaxial reinforcement grid is easy to install on milled surfaces. Furthermore, the bituminous coating ensures optimal bonding with the asphalt layer. Because it shares similar thermal expansion properties with asphalt, it reduces stress concentrations and delays reflective cracking. With a nonwoven backing for easy installation and custom roll widths to speed up application, HaTelit is a proven, cost-effective solution for reliable pavement rehabilitation.

Mirafi® MPG Series
High-performance glass fiber paving grids for crack mitigation and pavement longevity.
Glass fiber bundles are mechanically bonded to a nonwoven paving fabric to create this composite paving grid. As a result, it offers superior reinforcement meanwhile enhancing liquid asphalt retention. Construction professionals and civil engineers use Mirafi MPG to mitigate medium to high-severity crack reflections. In fact, this paving geocomposite is equivalent to adding 3 to 6 inches of asphalt. Furthermore, it increases traffic capacity on curb-constrained pavements. Ideal for full-width overlays, local patching, and joint repair, it prevents water penetration, improves bonding between old and new asphalt layers, and resists delamination. Efficiently install it on both milled surfaces and curved roads. Lastly, Mirafi MPG is easy to mill and recyclable when fully saturated during the installation.

High-resistance geocomposite for durable asphalt repair and reinforcement.
PavePrep is a high-resistance geocomposite that repairs, reinforces, and seals flaws in lower layers of asphalt. In addition, it reduces underground movements to protect the surface and reduce crack reflection. High-density asphalt mastic is laminated between two layers of heat-resistant geotextile to create extreme durability under heavy traffic. Furthermore, the upper layer is reinforced with woven polyester, meanwhile, the lower layer features a non-woven geotextile – both withstand temperatures up to 177°C (350°F). Select from standard or self-adhesive (SA), peel and stick options.
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