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Vegetated MSE Walls

Premium reinforced earth slopes, engineered earth armor systems, and vegetated MSE wall products

A mechanically stabilized earth wall, or MSE wall, is used to construct retaining walls, bridge abutments, dams, seawalls, walls along roadways, and more. MSE Walls are often engineered with various geotextiles or geogrids to stabilize the soil. In addition, their design allows for the construction of vegetated walls.

Vegetated walls have a natural, attractive appearance that accommodates both erosion control and habitat. Complimented by our seeding and soil conditioners, Ferguson Waterworks offers vegetated wall products that fit both your project specifications and landscape.

Large, vegetated reinforced soil slope using geosynthetics for stabilization

Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS)

This form of vegetated wall incorporates geosynthetics to improve the shear strength of soil in order to construct steeper slopes. Reinforced soil slopes use multiple engineered materials. For example, geogrids reinforce the load-bearing structure and high-performance turf reinforcement mats create a fascia. However, many retaining wall products and materials address project-specific requirements. Although reinforced soil slopes are not capable of slopes as steep as a panel or modular block walls, this method does allow for beautifully vegetated, easily installed steepened slopes.

What are the primary applications for reinforced soil slopes?

  • Vegetated steep slopes
  • Protection of steep slopes that experience high hydraulic shear stresses
  • Rebuilding failed slopes

What are the benefits of vegetated MSE walls?

  • Provide external stability: hydraulic shear protection is provided by the surface treatment (i.e. may be very high)
  • Provide internal stability: addresses both veneer stability and global stability
  • Can easily follow curves
  • Accommodates differential settlement
  • Offers many different fascia treatments
  • Variable reinforcement depending on creep tolerance, height, etc.
  • Cost-effective in comparison to conventional walls
Geocell retaining wall filled with native grasses

Geocell Retaining Walls

Design vegetated reinforced and gravity walls that retain structural integrity even in poor base conditions with geocell retaining walls. The geocell system’s open-celled terraces create a natural environment for sustainable vegetation and allow stormwater infiltration. Geocell walls conform well to landscape contours and are resistant to environmental degradation. Not to mention they install 25-30% faster than MSE Block Walls.

What are the primary applications for geocell retaining walls?

  • Vegetated and non-vegetated walls
  • Channel structures
  • Roadway embankments
  • Culvert headwalls
  • Terraced landscape walls
  • Bioengineered walls

What are the benefits of geocell retaining walls?

  • Supports a variety of vegetation for natural green aesthetics
  • Available in green and tan fascia panels to blend with the surroundings and become invisible once vegetated
  • Diverse design flexibility
  • Retains strength and accommodates settlement
  • No heavy equipment is required
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What are vegetated walls and slopes?

Vegetated retaining walls and slopes offer a green-friendly approach to solving grade separation. Many of the vegetated solutions available offer flexible-facing options or terraces to both create a natural environment for sustainable vegetation and also allow stormwater infiltration.

What are the benefits of vegetated walls and slopes?

A properly engineered vegetated wall or slope system, combined with the natural strength of a densely vegetated area, offers the same long-term effects as any known conventional retaining wall or slope reinforcement technique. Naturally, these vegetated solutions provide a permanent solution to solving even some of the most extreme applications with minimal environmental impact.

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