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Kyowa Filter Units

Kyowa Filter Units are an innovative, marine-grade erosion control and slope stabilization measure.

From stabilizing embankments and providing bridge pile protection to harbor defenses, shore preservation for lakes, and artificial reef establishment, Kyowa Filter Units are ready to stand up to the forces of both earth and water. This innovative, marine-grade erosion control solution is available in a variety of net sizes and weaves. The extremely durable net is filled with on-site aggregate, as a result, the filter units behave like large boulders.

Should you consider Kyowa Filter Units for your erosion control project?

Talk to a Ferguson Waterworks product specialist today to learn about common applications, key considerations, and more.

  • Protect new construction
  • Stabilize failed or failing slopes
  • Mitigate scour holes at or near critical structures

What are the features and benefits of hard armor erosion control solutions such as the Kyowa Filter Units?

  • Firstly, their flexible nature allows the units to conform to non-uniform surfaces and respond to small settlements over time without failure.
  • Filling them with on-site aggregate mixes advanced technology and local materials for quick installation and maximum cost-effectiveness.
  • For both higher design velocities and greater factors of safety, connect multiple units.
  • Fulfills a long design life of 30+ years with UV-stable polymer net UV.
  • Promotes vegetation when backfilled with topsoil.

When it comes to the method of choice for high hydraulic stresses, hard armor is the most robust type of erosion control. Although this solution incorporates concrete or stone, it is routinely vegetated, thus allowing for the protection of property and infrastructure as well as providing habitat.

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