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Jute Erosion Control Blankets

Natural, jute netting erosion control blankets for short-term soil and seed protection

Jute erosion control blankets are natural, environmental solutions for short-term erosion prevention. Generally found in sediment-control mesh blankets, jute products last 6 to 12 months, however, the exact time is dependent on the specific application and conditions. Apply the jute mesh alone or in addition to other erosion control products, such as hydroseeding mulches, for extra protection. Due to its versatility and biodegradable netting, it is appropriate for various project types.

What are the benefits of Jute Mesh or Jute Netting for erosion control?
  • Natural erosion control material
  • Protects new vegetation for 6 to 12 months
  • Construction professionals, contractors, and civil engineers commonly install it near shorelines, slopes, roads, bridges, structures, and more
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Easily pairs with additional erosion control products

Jute matting is available in large rolls and a variety of sizes. Some erosion control blankets are woven with other biodegradable and photodegradable materials. Ferguson Waterworks also carries coconut, straw, and straw/coconut erosion control blankets. For help selecting premium erosion control products for any application, contact one of your local product experts!

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ASTM Specifications: ASTM 6475, ASTM 7322, ASTM D-1117, ASTM D-1388, ASTM D-6525, ASTM D-6567, ASTM D-6818
Collection: RollMax™
Length: 112-1/2 ft
Material: Coconut Fiber, Jute
Width: 8 ft

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