Oates Road Container Yard Expansion Eliminates Standing Water Problems
Tensar InterAx® NX850™ geogrid at the Oates Road Container Yard stabilizes saturated subgrade, reduces aggregate requirements, and withstands heavy equipment without chemical ground treatment

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Project Overview
The Oates Road Container Yard was under a lease agreement, however, mismanaged stormwater was causing big problems. Due to the storage yard’s drainage plan, the ground beneath stacked containers would hold moisture for long periods after rain events. This subgrade saturation caused certain areas to become inaccessible until the soils dried out. Searching for a low-cost, high-performing solution, our client considered sourcing local, yet quality, aggregate. Unfortunately, this did not meet budgetary needs.
The owner contacted Ferguson Waterworks to assist in developing an alternative solution to improve the subgrade, beyond costly chemical treatment, before reinforcing the roads. Ultimately, the primary goal was to stabilize the drive lanes for the top lift equipment so that containers could be picked and stacked safely. Not to mention, be placed without compromising the yard’s integrity.
What cost-saving alternatives did Ferguson Waterworks provide to avoid treating the subgrade chemically, and yet improve its durability to withstand heavy loads?
Ferguson Waterworks performed a dynamic penetrometer field test to quantify the strength of the subgrade. We then teamed up with Tensar’s engineering departments in order to validate our approach. By incorporating the layer of the Tensar InterAx NX850 geogrid, the subgrade beneath the drive lanes would not require chemical treatment. Instead, the geosynthetic layer provides subgrade stabilization. As a result, less aggregate was required during the installation in comparison to past applications. Tensar InterAx supported the intense weight of the Hyster top lifts. In addition, it mitigated the risk of rock sinking into a soft subgrade after rain events.
What results did Tensar NX850 geogrid provide?
20-foot-wide drive lanes were confidently built with InterAx to stabilize and improve the subgrade. Furthermore, it reduced the amount of aggregate necessary to support the top lifts’ heavy loads. Despite the site’s variable subgrades, the ease of installing Tensar InterAx and pouring aggregate into drive lanes for quick and immediate access was a success. This was essential because there was an upcoming delivery of a sizable quantity of containers for onsite storage.
Based on subgrade conditions and design parameters, Tensar NX850 reduced the overall thickness of the drive lane design by half. Therefore it eliminated the need for chemical treatment. Ultimately, this solution provided the client with a quick deployment option for any further drive lane expansions on the site.
“We were able to cut the InterAx to the exact width we needed for the drive lanes. We found it quick and easy to pour and spread rock across the geogrid to reduce the overall thickness of the drive lane by half.”
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