Permeable Paving Parking Lot at Houston Brewery
How did Ferguson Waterworks help a Houston Brewery meet floodplain challenges and COH standards with a new permeable paving system? Learn more about our cost-effective and durable parking solution.

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Project Overview
A local Houston Brewery needed to update its parking lot in order to meet floodplain challenges. In addition, the new area must adhere to City of Houston standards, be cost-effective, and offer high-traffic durability. Unfortunately, the customer’s initial pavement design involved a substantial layer of cost-prohibitive screened rock. As a result, they reached out to Ferguson Waterworks to help explore more economical parking lot alternatives.
Given that this site is situated within a floodplain area, our primary objective was to establish a system that would remain resilient in the face of potential flooding or intense rain events. In addition, the brewery experiences a significant traffic flow, requiring durability. Simultaneously, it must align with City of Houston detention standards, all while remaining aesthetically pleasing and utilizing economical parking lot alternatives.
Collaborating with Ferguson Waterworks, the contractor successfully introduced GeoPave® (permeable paver) with Mirafi® HP270 (structural fabric). As a result, this solution met all the criteria. Through on-site soil testing (provided by Ferguson Waterworks), the contractor effectively implemented the use of the GeoPave Pavers and a drainable, compactable aggregate over Mirafi HP270. After several storm events, the system demonstrated outstanding performance. The contractor even managed to install handicap and parking spots via the GeoPave Snap Delineators, aligning with the owner’s visual specifications.
Overall, this approach eliminated the necessity for subgrade stabilization. Furthermore, it reduced the thickness of aggregate required in the base course section, meanwhile providing a solution to address past and future moisture-related issues in the parking lot.
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