Circuit of the Americas Tests Geogrid Products To Protect Their Overflow Parking
Why did Circuit of the Americas select Tensar® InterAx® NX850™ geogrid to prevent rutting and stuck vehicles during major rain events? A field test determines the highest-performing geogrid for ground stabilization

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Project Overview
Torrential downpours from historical rain events during the June 2021 NASCAR Cup Series introduced a new challenge for Circuit of the Americas. Due to the saturated soils, the vegetated overflow parking area became inundated with problems. For example, it caused significant rutting and a multitude of stuck vehicles. Ultimately, costing over $100,000 in towing fees and maintenance.
Provide a cost-effective solution to stabilize the vegetated overflow parking areas. Therefore ensuring long-term accessibility and eliminating recurring towing and maintenance fees.
After determining the cost of extending the existing pavement was above budget, COTA began looking at geosynthetic fabrics to protect the vegetated area. Geosynthetic layers create a bridge or break between the tire load and saturated soil. As a result, they help reduce vehicle rutting and slipping.
Testing geosynthetic fabrics to determine which product performs best during large rain events.
In order to specify which ground-stabilizing solution would best address the problems at hand, the team decided to conduct a field test. Ferguson Waterworks supplied various geosynthetic fabrics. They were installed on over 20,000 square feet of vegetated areas. Then, water trucks flooded the site in order to simulate a heavy rain event. Meanwhile, a variety of vehicles drove over the testing zones.
Which highest-performing geogrid proved most effective in reducing rutting and slipping during heavy rain events?
The results were evident for one zone in particular. The zone reinforced with Tensar InterAx Geogrids outperformed all other areas, including the control area. Tensar InterAx provides stiff reinforcement that reduces rutting. Thus, it creates a safe and accessible vegetated lot for overflow parking. In addition, InterAx adds a frictional element that minimizes vehicular slipping and sliding. Its unique polypropylene structure lays flatter than all the other geosynthetic products tested on this site. Furthermore, wider apertures within the geogrid provide space for vegetation to penetrate the system effectively to create a natural aesthetic. The customer is confident that InterAx Geogrid is the right solution for the overflow lot and anticipates pursuing the option in time for the next major race.
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